I'm sure a lot of you are familiar or have friends who don't do things by halves. Are they a Pisces? Good. Then you'll understand this post easily.
I'm a Pisces and I learned long ago to accept the good things and bad things about my sign.
First, I obsess over things…shoes, books, the internet, more shoes, more books, more internet, shoes, books, the internet, you get the picture.
Next, I have an addictive personality which feeds the obsession part, see above for more info.
The reason for this post is to highlight the book portions of my obsession/addiction. And also to explain that there is a method to my madness that I continue to work in a bookstore and have done since I was 16 (I'm currently 32).
Books. By all intents and purposes I should be waxing poetic on the latest book review, in fact I've got it written, but I felt that I would instead share my manic love of all things wordy. I realized this week that I am a book nerd. Okay, well I've always known I was a book nerd, but the depths of my nerdiness came crashing down on me.
I read, everywhere. No matter what I'm doing. I keep pages of articles and fanfic up while working so that my eyes can skim a few lines of dialogue or plot even while I chug away at my latest project, I have an ereader, but that has done nothing but explode my love of books and give me quicker access to them. I read at stop lights, when I'm driving (I actually like DC traffic for this reason), I read at the gym (aerobics classes cut into my reading so I will use this machine, thankyouverymuch), I read while working at the bookstore (a hard feat, yet I manage to finish at least one book per my 12 hours there a week) and I read while the TV is on as background noise.
Reading is my joy, my curse and my obsession. I counted (via my goodreads account)and I'm actively reading no less than 5 – 6 books at any given time…and that doesn't even count the short novellas I pick up for free on my nook that I plow through at lunch.
Since I was an early adapter to digital books I have erotica and romance that I bought years ago and I'm just finally getting to enjoy on my ereader, which you think would center my reading, but nope..no way…not even part of the train of thought. I have added more new authors to my mental rolodex of books in the past 6 months, than I have in the last 2 years of reading. Twitter…is no help. Authors, fellow book bloggers and random RTs recommend authors and I of course have to read a snippet to see if I like them, which most of the time I do and they go to my TBR pile.
Actually at this point it's more like a TBR mountain.
So tell me there are more of you out there. Who obsess, pine and would wither away without your words on a page. Come join my table; I'll be the girl with the out of control 'fro (although at this moment it is braided), sitting at the table with food to my left, and my ereader front and center…
Oh me, me, me... At any time, I usually have at least one ongoing book from all of the genres i like to read. So that's 1 each for Indian mythology, YA, historical, paranormal (usually 2-3 at the same time), crime thrillers - 5 minimum at any given point of time. Usually more because I'm always re-reading my fav too. And this was with actual books, so you can imagine how this exploded when e-readers came around. :-p
ReplyDeleteI'm so bad I'm avoiding buying a car just so I don't have to stop reading during my commute. No, seriously!!! I read in the bus and if I bought a car I would have to drive and that's almost an hour worth of reading - every day - that I would lose... So yeah, I know exactly what you're about!!! Sighh, I love being a bookworm.