Monday, June 6, 2011

I don’t need to Root, my NookColor does it all!

In case you didn't know I got a NookColor a few months ago and in that time my obsession with tech and ebooks (I've had ebooks for years and was just waiting for the right device to read them on), has shot through the roof.  So, since I obsess, I figured that the best way to deal with that is to share it with the masses.  Hence this post.

Currently, the nook app store is stocked with just under 200 apps.  For those of you who haven't rooted this device to have access to the Android Market you DO have some options. 

So let's start with the essentials shall we.

- this handy app allows you to read in both portrait and landscape, annotate, upsize the font, and even sticky note on your side loaded pdf content.  What's not to love? My one ping at this app is that it requires an installed microSD card to run, but if you're going to be sideloading pdfs anyway, that's almost a given.  This app offeres flexibility that the native pdf reader doesn't have and its functionality is close enough to the general nook UI that it doesn't make it difficult to use.

Evernote is probably one of my favorite apps on the market. I was really surprised to not see this in the nook app store when it first opened. Thankfully, the guys behind it didn't take long to bring it on minus the camera and GPS capabilities. I find this app particularly useful when I need to access any of the recipe sites I've added to my Evernote account during the week. Making the Post Punk Kitchen's Carrot Cake Pancakes is so much easier this way.

Goodreads is the 1st app I downloaded after getting my NookColor up and going. I didn't even think about it, I just tapped through the prompts. The UI couldn't be easier to use and it keeps track of what I'm doing. I only wish it were more invasive and could update my goodreads status when I insert a bookmark (or at least ask).

Seesmic just made its way onto my NookColor this weekend (I think) and I'm so glad it's there now. Access to my multiple twitter accounts, my facebook and foursquare (not that I use it, but whatever), LinkedIn and even GoogleBuzz (if anyone still uses that). I could laud this as the best social network app for the nookcolor, but it pretty much speaks for itself.


So what are your favorite apps for the NookColor? I have more, but this is a good start.












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